Ok. I'm doing this again. Let's see... what to talk about?
So I made a new film. Got a patent rejected, played a few gigs...
I've been spending way too much time on YouTube, but I keep finding SWEET stuff like the Jacksons 30th reunion gig at Madison Square Garden (part 1 of 5 embedded below right). All 5 parts are ridiculous. Complete and total destruction of the audience. Amazing live mix. Way better than laptop speakers can do justice to, so do phones if you got 'em.
Oh, and by the way, EAR BUDS SUCK MAJOR ASS. Doing the capital letters thing today I guess. Sorry... NOT.
Can't post the new short yet, as it's as yet unspoken for. I'll put it up soon as I can. I guess I haven't mentioned here that I directed "The Law Accordion to Hanson Bridgett". It's at the bottom right of this page. It was made as a promo piece for a large law firm in SF. It's kind of silly.
My new favorite web addresses - StumbleUpon.com (new, almost aways cool shit every time you click), amiestreet.com (join, say what you like, and they send you an email once in a while. so far there's been something beautiful every time. Today's gem was THE WEEPIES. Sounddogs.com for killer, cheap (25 bucks) music for films, and archives.org for public domain stock footage. OH. And this band Nada Surf that I heard on an episode of The Riches. The song I heard is called "The Fox".
Rescue Me
The Wire
The Riches
Played a gig tonight with a beautiful singer songwriter from Tennessee first name of Taylor. I don't want to put her full name in a blog without her permission. Web etiquette. Like don't shoot crappy videos of bands without them knowing and post them on YouTube. And if you don't know what's crappy, ASK SOMEBODY! I know that goes against the whole web 2.0 user generated content/viral marketing model but...
I digress. Taylor is cute as a button, a great singer, and writes these gorgeous melodies and harmonies. Danny Uzilevski is producing a record with her. Danny's a freaking monster guitar player and sings like a bird himself. He's Danny Uzi on MySpace. Check his skanky ass out.
Uh... ...yeah.