Friday, April 11, 2008

Inaugural Movement

Wow. Hi. Um... Ok, here's the deal.

My name's Dave. I'm a something something filmmaker/musician/inventor living in west Marin County, California. I've decided that what was lacking in my life was an egregious egomanaical excursion to the other side of the digital divide. So, here I am.

Jesus, now I feel stupid.

I guess maybe I should get started by establishing some first principles:

1. Baseball would be really different without amphetamines. Ask Hank Aaron.
2. Everyone is racist. It's how you compensate that counts.
3. White people suck.
4. Colored folks aren't much better. Two words people: Vote.
5. Intelligence is divisive. Smart people can't agree on anything.
6. Stupidity is additive. Stupid people often agree on everything.
7. Corporate America is farming us exactly like ants farm aphids. Try to be a smart aphid.
9. Nobody knows whether God exists or doesn't exist. The mystery of faith is that belief requires doubt. If you don't have doubt, you can't believe. Cool, huh?
10. I don't know if you can choose to believe that God exists, but if you can, I'm doing it. I mean, it's the only practical choice, isn't it? Help me with the math. If God does exist, it pays off big time. I go to heaven and spend all eternity dating Tina Louise. If not, it didn't really matter and I ended up being a nice guy who thought there was a reason to help old ladies across streets instead of stealing their purses. Maybe that's what God is. That idea that there might be a reason.

I gotta say, this blog thing? Kinda creepy. Yeah, little bit.
